Relationship Network Incorporated


Police Check:
To apply for a Police check please click here to renew or register.
COVID-19 Education:
The Australian government is highly concerned about our good Health Care, Safety, and Prevention of the spread of
To apply for your COVID-19 Infection Control Training and Certificate. Please click here.
MYGOV online services:
Liberia-Australia Relationship Network Inc. is assisting our community with Centrelink activities, click here to log in Centrelink. LARN also assist with Medicare activities, click here to log in Medicare. For MYGOV online services, click here to log in. The organization continues to offer other services in Job search, click here.
Immi Application:
Click on here to create your Immi account or start your visa Immi application for your family members to stay in Australia or come to Australia.
If you are already in Australia on a valid visa and you want to seek for asylum to remain in Australia, then please click here to continue with another application for protection.
Administrative Appeals Tribunals:
You can click on the AAT to submit an appeal for your visa and contacts. We do recommend, argue your cause, support your objective(s), defend your cause, or plead on your behalf as our community members.
Family & Children:
We suggest that every Liberia migrant in Australia must respect all policies in your State or Territory about child Protection and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, and Legal consent. to avoid breaking of the laws.
Individual Advocacy:
LARN will endeavor to support or represent your cause comparatively based on the ACT Human Rights Commission on individual level in your State or Territory to make sure your situation is amicably resolved. Your protection, happiness, Health and social freedom are our concerns.
To register for Australian Business Number - ABN, click here.
LARN's intention is to mold the minds of every Liberia migrant from the post-war to a new breed of indigenous Liberia.